
Together with Employees Together with Employees

Sustainability Material Issue 3-7

Material Issue 3 Promoting Diversity & Inclusion

Enable human resources with diverse values and ideas to fully express their individuality and abilities and succeed professionally.

Material Issue 4 Promoting Work-Life Enrichment

Create an environment that helps employees fulfill their ambitions through synergy between work and private life.

Material Issue 5 Developing Human Resources

Foster human resources who generate dynamism to realize innovative change by creating environments that allow all employees to exercise their diverse abilities to the fullest and embrace challenges.

Material Issue 6 Improving Employee Health

Support mental and physical healthcare for employees to reinforce Group human resources and achieve sustainable corporate growth.

Material Issue 7 Enhancing the Occupational Safety Management System

Enhance systems to ensure compliance with occupational safety and health laws and regulations and to enforce safety awareness thoroughly for the safety and peace of mind of employees and outside partners working on site.


Basic Approach

One of the growth strategies of Lion’s Vision2030 is “Generate dynamism to realize innovative change.” Under this strategy, we aim to have all employees spurring on one another in their respective growth processes and operating as autonomous individuals in order to generate waves of innovative change; that is, dynamism, across the organization as a whole. To do so, we are promoting corporate branding based on understanding of and resonance with our purpose—make a difference in everyday lives by redesigning habits: ReDesign—to help employees feel real value in working for Lion, thus improving employee engagement. Furthermore, in addition to our efforts to create employee-friendly workplaces from the perspective of human resource development—in everything from hiring to training, compensation and the fostering of healthy habits—we also aim to increase productivity and create new value by instilling a sense of professional fulfillment in every employee.

Through further advancement of corporate branding and LION Professional Fulfillment Reforms*, we are helping employees fully display their diverse capabilities to form a collective of human resources that will embody our purpose. In this way, we will continue to transform for sustainable growth.

* Initiatives to increase the professional fulfillment of each and every employee, develop personnel who generate new value and improve labor productivity.


We are advancing a variety of initiatives rooted in the common approach of activating individuals and organizations.
In addition to efforts to enable diverse human resources to succeed, promote diverse work styles and develop independent human resources, we aim to realize better workplace environments by maintaining and enhancing labor-management relations, health and safety (Figure 1).
Furthermore, via the Lion Professional Fulfillment Reforms, we are offering a wide range of options and opportunities for employees based on four overarching themes aimed at making maximum use of diverse talent. By doing so, we are working to create environments that allow employees to utilize their own strengths, find the work styles that best suit them and better coordinate with others (Figure 2).

Figure 1. Initiatives to Activate Individuals and Organizations


Figure 2. Lion Professional Fulfillment Reform Framework


